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Threedot was founded in 2021, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a mission to re-invent air travel. The first half of 2022 saw Threedot advising promising travel tech companies, with the following highlights:

👉 Signed 10 new clients in H1
👉 New clients are mostly based in Europe (6) and in the US (3)
👉 They are mostly travel tech companies (8), at startup stage (8)
👉 Projects included mainly: market research, growth strategy and go-to-market strategy

👉 Attended Future Travel Experience in Dublin for a Workshop on “Web3 in Travel” and a Panel on “airline digital retailing”
👉 Attended the launch of the first NFTicket by Air EuropaTravelX and Algorand, on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

👉 Collaboration with World Aviation Festival, with articles about “air travel in the metaverse”, “the airline transition to order management”, “rail as alternative to air for business travel”, “customer regained confidence in air travel”

If you have innovative projects in the air travel industry and beyond 🚀, contact us at 😊